Erica Zizak, MA, CT
Erica Zizak, MA, CT
Health Psychologist / Certified Thanatologist / Integrative Wellness Consultant / End-of-life Midwife / Contemplative End-of-life Specialist / Grief Counselor
Erica has personally experienced the many challenges of caregiving for her brother, who has bipolar schizoaffective disorder, and her late father-in-law, who had dementia. She witnessed firsthand the "invisibility” of the person within the conventional healthcare system and society when diagnosed with certain conditions. Her passion for helping others to live purposefully and holistically through life’s natural and complex transitions was born through these experiences. She serves each person with the understanding that they are a unique individual with unique needs and experiences. Her philosophy is one of compassion and humility combined with humanistic and contemplative approaches to improving the lives of individuals and communities.
Doctoral Student - Mind Body Medicine with Specialization in Contemplative End of Life
Masters of Arts - Health Psychology
Bachelor of Science - Business Administration with MIS Concentration
Certified in Thanatology (ADEC)
End-of-life Doula (INELDA)
Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Coaching (AFPA)
Medical Aid in Dying (ACAMAID)
Death Education
Advanced Directives Planning and Paperwork
Family Council & Family Reconciliation
Grief Counseling
Life Review and Legacy Projects
Bedside Vigil
Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD)
Voluntarily Stop Eating and Drinking (VSED)
Holistic Nutrition and Wellness